Lesson 7 Overview
- Lesson 6 homework review
- Why we use complex numbers in DSP
- Amplitude modulation
- Frequency modulation
- Launch GNU Radio Companion and locate the block called Quadrature Demod. This block implements the method for frequency demodulation presented in the video. Notice that it takes complex input and produces real-valued (float) output which is a sequence of angles.
- Can you find a block that implements our method of amplitude demodulation? It should take complex input and produce real-valued (float) output where each output sample is the magnitude of an input sample.
- A Python solution for the lesson 6 homework: lesson6solution.py
- Here is a version that uses matplotlib.pylab for plotting like I did in the video. Try it with IPython Notebook or with IPython on the command line (use ipython –pylab): lesson6solution-pylab.py
- IPython
- matplotlib
Software Defined Radio with HackRF is copyright 2014, 2015 by Michael Ossmann from greatscottgadgets.com and is released under the CC BY license.
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